19. Touré


Touré is famed for his strong build, speed, power and skill on the ball. He can score goals too

Mamadou Touré came to Barça in the summer of 2022 from French club ACCS, where he was coached by Jesús Velasco. He had such an impact that although he was signed to the Barça reserves, he was soon knocking on the first team door.

He made his debut at Tudela on 2 February 2023, his first at the club, also under Velasco. In his second year, 2023/24, he became a full-time member of the first team, and in April 2024, Mamadou Touré renewed his contract and was made a permanent member of the senior squad.

Touré is famed for his strong build, speed, power and skill on the ball. He can score goals too.

Lieu de naissance
Sèvres (France)
Date de naissance

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